Efesios 6:10-11 La vida la viviremos dependiendo de quien dependamos,…
Ephesians 6:10-11 We will live life depending on who we depend on, that is called being secure and at the same time strengthened. Many things happen daily that will try to weaken your life and make you run away by wrong paths such a depression, we often think that this is the way out but it is not so. Whoever promises you that you will never have problems is a liar because in the dynamics of life, problems, crises are part of it but it is there where we learn to know God and trust Him. Only God can give you the strength to remain and not run away, to move forward and not give up, only his strength sustains ours so that we do not faint. That is why the Bible gives us this great advice, be strong in the Lord, that is, trust in what He is. God is always just in time Pastor Elias Hoyos
0 1k 0 0febrero 9, 2023