SERIES: LEARNING TO LET GO OF WHAT'S PAST We want to be blessed, prospered, kept and for God to work on our behalf every day but how willing and available
PROVERBS 4:23 N.L.T What we consider most important and of great value is what we protect and guard with care, that's fine, of course, the problem is that many times
John 11:25 There are desperate situations, moments of pain that we never expected to live through but they presented themselves, those moments make us flee and sometimes hide behind the
SERIES: SPIRITUAL DROUGHT Sometimes we take time to listen to everyone, we always ask for advice and even more when we are in trouble, but it’s hard to us asking
SERIES: SPIRITUAL DROUGHT GENESIS 41 N.L.T The drought will measure how faithful you have been in the administration of the resources that the Lord has placed in your hands. Seasons
SERIES: SPIRITUAL DROUGHT Psalm 42 shows what man's intention should be in seeking God compared to the bellowing of the deer announcing his desperate need to find the source of
SERIES: SPIRITUAL DROUGHT Isaiah 58:11 Drought is a transitory anomaly where there is a shortage of water, this anomaly causes the earth to stop producing, in the same way it
SERIES: SPIRITUAL DROUGHT Genesis 26:1-2 Today we will begin a new series on those critical moments in life where we feel the absence of everything including God, to be able
Ruth 1:6 This is a true story of a woman named Naomi and her daughter-in-law named Ruth, both left the place where they belonged, in a time of famine, with
John 14:13-15 N.L.T Prayer is more than asking and seeking miraculous results of things we want, it is more than interest in answers, prayer is the channel, the means that