Genesis 28:15

When something seems to be useless, what do you do? You just throw it away and look for the way to replace it, that’s how we handle everything, we just look for the easiest solution, it seems that throwing away, throwing the Towel, giving up, is the least painful way out.

But you know something?

God does not work that way, He is patient and knows how to restore, He is the giver of life and if He created you, it was not to give up on you, it was not to reject you, that is why today there is hope … 

Maybe you have tried again and again in your own way, but God always has a very different one. There is always a different way and God wants to restore your life, family and what at some point you lost … 

The question is, are you willing to make it happen !?

God always comes RIGHT ON TIME 

P. Eliashc

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