Guilty or Responsible?

Genesis 2: 15-17

Most of the time we spend ignoring things and situations that we consider less important, things that we think are small and that could have a solution tomorrow.

We do not realize that what was small yesterday is today a giant that is causing us much trouble.

It was the same thing that happened to Adam in the beginning, God gave him the responsibility of tilling and tending the garden but he failed, he considered that there were more important things neglecting the fundamental.

God has given you a great responsibility and perhaps the garden for you can be marriage, home, family, your children, ministry, life etc.

Remember this: neglecting the garden is allowing the serpent to enter and destroy, through its influence, everything that God has given into your hands to be administered.

Can you understand it?

You need to pay more attention to what’s important …

God always comes RIGHT ON TIME

P. Eliashc

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