Never trust yourself too much, always be careful. There is a phrase that says: «insurance killed confidence», this is true and the bible advises: don’t trust yourself.

How many things we let pass us by, signs that God places on the road of life for us to be alert, it is like when you feel general malaise, the body is warning you that something is not right, that you should not let it pass you by because you can become seriously ill. The same thing happens in life, what happens is that we purposely ignore the signs we see because we don’t want to believe that this could be so and in the end we end up with our hands on our heads thinking about when it all happened.

Pay attention to what is going on around you and ask God for His wisdom to know how to deal with every situation in time, He is interested in helping you and giving you His strength and victory.

God always comes JUST IN TIME

P. Eliashc


WATCH-FOR-SIGNS-ON-THE-ROAD.mp3 – Descargado 0 veces – 10,83 MB
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