Mark 10: 47-48

Shut up, were the words that echoed loudly near that man named Bartimaeus, a blind man who depended on the charity of the people who passed him.

Maybe, these are the same words that ring loud in your ears every time you try to get up, life situations seem to want to leave you blind and prostrate, without hope and end your faith, but you know that Jesus is near and now, everything It is up to you, if you let yourself be overcome by what you hear and see contrary to your faith or you get up and put aside those who with their bad news and pessimism do not advance.

Bartimaeus did not listen to those who ordered him to be silent, he ignored them and got up to go to Jesus.

Today you can do the same, get up and trust that God continues to perform miracles.

God always comes RIGHT ON TIME

P. Eliashc

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