1 JOHN 4:18-19

Throughout our lives we’ve been taught that in order to receive, we must be deserving.  The more we do, the more we are rewarded.

We tent to think that it works just like that with God, that in order to receive something from Him, we must promise to do something in return. But what if I told you that this far from the truth?

Beloved, before you approached God, He approached you first, didn’t He? God loved you first.

This is what we call Grace; you don’t need to do anything in exchange for being loved by God, as a matter of fact, there is nothing you can do to deserve His love.

HIS GRACE is open to everyone who needs Him, all you have to do is to accept Him in your heart.

Jesus already paid for your life with His own, He gave us that undeserved gift so that today we may be just one decision away from Him.

God always comes Just in time

Pastor Elias Hoyos

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