Doing things just to do is not enough, losing the meaning of life is living without direction. 

Someone once said: living without purpose is like being on a ship without a rudder. I agree with that phrase, to be in a boat without a rudder is to let yourself be carried away by all the winds that arise and in the end not to get anywhere. 

I also saw that everyone works and seeks to progress only to have more than the others. But this doesn’t make sense either, because it’s like wanting to catch the wind. 

Ecclesiastes 4: 4 NLT 

It is important to understand these three points: 

1- Everything begins with God 

2- We must know where we are now. 

3- You were designed with purpose. 

I invite you to follow me in this series and enjoy the abundant life that God has prepared for you… 

God always arrives JUST ON TIME 

P. Eliashc


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